
Álvaro Seiça: Homes that we move
Álvaro Seiça is a Portuguese writer and researcher based in Norway. He dreams of being a full-time poet, but perhaps because he isn’t, he writes. Among other works, he has published Supressão (2019), Upoesia (2019), Previsão para 365 poemas (2018), Ensinando o espaço (2017), Ö (2014), Permafrost (2012), and most recently Onda Desobediente (2024), which … Continued
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Writers showcase in Bratislava concludes two years of the Epic Residencies exchanges
The Epic Residencies project was topped off with a showcase of literary work produced during a two-year cycle of residency exchanges between Slovakia, Iceland and Norway. The Epic Residencies project brings together three residency centres – Literary Residencies Košice, Gunnar Gunnarson Institute and Tou Scene – with the aim to create new opportunities for connecting … Continued
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Michal Tallo: Breathe, Think and Feel Free
In March 2023, author Michal Tallo spent a month-long residency in Stavanger, Norway, working on a new book of prose. In September of the same year, he returned to Stavanger, where he participated in two events of the festival of literature and freedom of speech called Kapittel as part of the Epic Residencies mobility. In … Continued
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Renáta Pankiewicz: The connection of the words Roma/Roma and literature should not be something unusual
Renata Pankiewicz is the statutory director of the association Thank you – Palikerav. Within the association she runs the Book Club Paľikerav, which takes care of the literary background of young Roma readers, as well as authors of literature. We talked to Renata Pankiewicz about recitation, cultivating a relationship with literature and the various activities … Continued
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Thorvaldur S. Helgason : Language grounds and impacts everything
“Poetry might not make big headlines, but its lifespan is longer,” Thorvaldur Sigurbjörn Helgason, our resident in June 2023, remarked about his relationship with poetry. On his final day in Košice, our team member, Laura Kristína Priatková, spoke with Thorvaldur about the potential of solitude, Icelandic identity, the local art scene, and his first venture … Continued
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Valur Gunnarsson: Catching the moment and meeting deadlines in non-fiction writing
Interview with writer Valur Gunnarsson, resident of the Epic Residencies project in Košice On the final day of his residency, we sat down with the Icelandic non-fiction writer Valur Gunnarsson in Kávy sveta, an old-world kind of café on the main street in Košice’s old town. We asked him a few questions about routines, deadlines, … Continued
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Not Being Heard Is No Reason for Silence: Slovak and Foreign-born Icelandic Writers in Reykjavík
On 21 April the Epic Residencies project together with the Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute and the Writers’ Union of Iceland organize the literary event Not Being Heard Is No Reason for Silence, for the title of which they borrowed a quote from Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Writers from Slovakia will share their works alongside foreign-born Icelandic … Continued
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Literary-bookbinding workshop in the Úsmev Cinema
As part of the Literary Residencies project, a day-long series of literary workshops took place on Saturday 24.06.2023 in the premises of the Úsmev Cinema. The program was held under the auspices of the organization of the National Minorities Club. The book club Paľikerav, which focuses on cultivating interest in literature among Roma youth, cooperated … Continued
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